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Flag football camp for girls set July 31

Sasha Santiago

Cynthia Zordich, founder of, a private platform for NFL women, has joined forces with NFL Alumni and Grrrridiron Girls to bring a flag football camp to Glacier Field on July 31.

The camp for girls ages 6-18 will be conducted from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration will begin at 9 a.m.

Jen Welter, the NFL’s first female coach, will lead the camp. Welter is a former Arizona Cardinal assistant coach.

“The structure of the Grrridiron Girls Camp is not only to teach proper technique of the game but also to empower our girls into realizing that no field is too big — no dream is out of their reach as strong, talented, determined young women,” Zordich said.

Zordich is seeking local sponsors to make it a free camp for all participants.

Sponsorship forms are available at

Rick Shepas, Youngstown City Schools Athletic Director, will bring several teams and coaches to the camp. Elliot Giles, president of Youngstown Youth Flag Football Association, will bring 20 of his players.

Several Youngstown State University students will assist.

Participants will receive a pre-game snack and a post-game meal, a Grrridiron Girls T-shirt, a THREAD FLAG BAG with local products and three hours of football stations where Welter’s team will break down the fundamentals of the game.

To register, visit the website and add the promo code YOFLAG.


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